WDIM? - Star Trek History - The Q Continuum

WDIM? – Star Trek History – The Q Continuum

Hey Everyone and Welcome Back to What Did I Miss, where today I will be exploring the Q as a race as well as the characters that we have seen on various Star Trek series.  Ever since the news that John DeLancie would be reprising the role he made famous on Star Trek: The Next Generation for the upcoming seasons of Star Trek: Picard, fans have been heavily anticipating his arrival.  And yes, you did hear right I did say “seasons of Picard”, as the actor himself has confirmed that he has shot footage for the second as well as the third season of the series.

We are sure to see a very different Q as he meets a very different Picard when the second season is released in 2022, so I thought it would be fun to take a look back at the history of this nigh-omnipotent race of beings and how it may affect the character’s future.  This is always more fun when I hear from you, so let me know in the comments what is your favourite appearance of Q.  The one with the most upvotes I will post in an upcoming Star Trek video.  Also, I want to congratulate our subscribers who won a Funko Pop in the last contest.  Be sure to be subscribed so you know when we start our next one, and you can also follow us on Twitter or at our other YouTube channel WDIM Plus for updates. 

Deja Q
(CBS) “Deja Q” – TNG Season 3

Not much is known about the beginnings of the Q, as we are led to believe by one member of the race that they started out as humanoid beings and evolved to where they are now.  Where that is, is a place known as the Q Continuum which is an extra-dimensional plane of existence that the Q society inhabits.  However, the most famous Q, played by John De Lancie, mentions at one point that the Q have always existed but at times he is known to be less than a reliable narrator. 

The Q has shown to be able to bend space and time at their will and can create as well as reconstitute matter.  They can even grant humanoid beings the same powers that they possess as well as have those powers taken away by a member of their race.  While the exact number of Q is never known, they do have a large enough population to be able to influence the entire galaxy while also being able to enter into a civil war which costs many lives on both sides. 

Having said that, members of the race can be killed but when one is killed it is known to cause destructive events such as supernovas.  But it seems that the main purpose of the race is to observe others’ evolution, as their own existence has become boring and tedious so they have resigned themselves to mettle in other civilizations affairs.  In that regard, you could say that the Q is like an exaggerated version of Starfleet, having become bored with their own planet and solar system and designed a way to meddle in the affairs of other civilizations. 

Members of the race can procreate as Q or as members of the race they are inhabiting, such as when two Q who was pretending to be human conceived a human child with Q-like powers.

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