Header WDIM Star Trek Discovery Anomaly Breakdown

WDIM? – Star Trek: Discovery “Anomaly” – Breakdown

Hey Everyone and Welcome to What Did I Miss, where today I will be discussing the second episode of the fourth season of Star Trek: Discovery, an episode titled “Anomaly”. 

I have to say that after I gave the first episode of the season a not so glowing review, I feel like this episode really gave a lot more gravitas to the crisis that the crew are facing, and it almost feels like the first episode was meant to set up this rather thrilling chapter in the show. I will go over these changes as well as everything else I saw here.

David Ajala (Cleveland “Book” Booker) has always been convincing as the Booker character when given the opportunity, but this episode really allowed him to show the face of the trauma in a compelling manner, and I think he did a brilliant job this week in the role. 

David Ajala as Cleveland “Book” Booker
(Paramount+) David Ajala as Cleveland “Book” Booker

This is the first time two episodes from different series within Star Trek have shared the same title.  The second episode of the third season of Star Trek: Enterprise was also titled Anomaly.  That episode had to do with the crew of the NX Enterprise encountering similar spatial and gravimetric distortions that were due to a massive sphere built by a trans-dimensional race known as the sphere builders.

These objects were located in an area of space known as the Delphic Expanse, and the sphere builders were using a race known as the Xindi to help them alter this area so that they could invade.  It is not clear how or if this episode is related to the anomaly that Discovery is facing, but I believe that there is a clue at the very end of the episode that may hint at how they are connected, that I will get into a bit later when I go discuss the ending.

This episode also opened up a few interesting developments for some of the main characters, with Book going over the destruction of Kwejjan in the last episode over and over again.

One way that this anomaly was similar to the one seen on the series Enterprise, is that in that episode all of the animals on the Enterprise started to react before the anomaly hit, similar to how Book remembers the birds on the planet reacting.

Doug Jones as Captain Saru
(Paramount+) Doug Jones as Captain Saru

After Burnham tries to comfort him, she meets up with Saru who has returned to the Discovery.  He is wearing a pendant that looks like it incorporates both the ganglia that Kelpiens develop then shed as well as a black charm that signifies the Ba’ul, as we know both species now peacefully coexist.

While they are talking they reference the telescope once owned by Captain Phillipa Georgiou.  This telescope was given to Burnham in Georgiou’s will, but Burnham later gave it to Saru who had it on Discovery.

The episode was action-packed and full of easter eggs, but before I get into it though, I want to thank you for reading and watching the video below, I ask that you please hit that like the button to help support the channel and get my videos out to more people.  And if you have not yet done so please subscribe as well.

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